(Proceeds from the above ads go to rebelbase.com for hosting Pan.
Proceeds from the tip jar go to Pan's programmers.)

Contributing to Pan Development

Want to get involved and start contributing to the Pan development? All contributions are welcome!

Get the latest sources from the official Pan Git repository at https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/pan/.

GitHub Mirror

If you prefer using GitHub, there is a read-only mirror of the Pan repository available:

git clone https://github.com/GNOME/pan.git

Translations and Documentation

You can also contribute by translating Pan into your language or by updating Pan documentation.

Compiling from Source

Compiling Pan requires the header files for gtk2 (or gtk3) and gmime. On most systems these are optional packages named gtk2-devel (or gtk3-devel) and gmime-devel.

If you plan to use advanced features like SSL with GnuTLS or GNOME Keyring (or libsecret) password support, you will have to install their appropriate development packages or compile from source. See README for more details on the required versions of these add-ins.

Remaining tools typically come built-in on systems configured for development: gcc, m4, automake, autoconf, pkg-config, and gettext.

If all goes well, running ./autogen.sh && make in your repository clone will result in the executable ./pan/gui/pan.

If you are compiling Pan from within a downloaded source archive, run ./configure && make instead.

You can install the executable and other Pan files by running sudo make install.

Archived Version

To clone the older, archived version of Pan written in C, run:

git clone git://git.gnome.org/archive/pan