(Proceeds from the above ads go to rebelbase.com for hosting Pan.
Proceeds from the tip jar go to Pan's programmers.)

News Archives

Older news archives are collected by release period.

  • News from the 0.7.x releases
    Biggest change: Concurrent downloads.
    Anything Amusing?: you can find the release date of Pan 0.7.6 to calculate how far out-of-date the Debian "stable" version is. (Two years, two months, and counting.)
  • News from the 0.8.x releases
    Biggest change: the Task Manager, Rules tool, offline posting, .newsrc
    Anything Amusing?: The beginning of the RIAA-Pan lawsuit, SuperPimpSoft joins the Amazon single-click boycott, SuperPimpSoft Receives $8.37 in 29th Round of Funding.
  • News from the 0.9.x releases
    Biggest change: Inline pictures, mime support
    Anything Amusing?: Napster buys SuperPimpSoft, RIAA Wins Pan Lawsuit, Napster Cancels Pan, and the unfortunate release of Pan 0.9.3, the buggiest Pan ever.
  • News from the 0.10.x releases
    Biggest change: Posting profiles, external editor,
    Anything Amusing?: Andrew Orlowski Can Kiss My Ass.
  • News from the 0.11.x releases
    Biggest change: Most crashes stopped around 0.11.2
    Anything Amusing?: Pan Name Change to KAgent, Pan on the Palm Pilot.
  • News from the 0.12.x releases
    Biggest change: Port from Gnome 1.4 to GTK 2
    Anything Amusing?: Nah.
  • News from the 0.10x releases
    Biggest change: Weekly beta versions of a full Pan redesign and rewrite in C++
    Anything Amusing?: Yep.