(Proceeds from the above ads go to rebelbase.com for hosting Pan.
Proceeds from the tip jar go to Pan's programmers.)


Pan 0.90 and newer (the 2006 rewrite):

  • gtk+ version 2.16.0 or higher
  • gmime version 2.6.20 or higher

See the README file in Pan's source tree for a complete list of current requirements.

Pan 0.14.x and older:

  • pcre 3.9 or higher - Pan 0.14.3 and newer
  • libxml2 2.4.22 or higher
  • gtk+ version 2.0.5 or higher
  • gtkspell version 2.0.0 - Pan 0.13.0 and newer (optional)
  • gnet version 2.x - Pan 0.14.2 and newer